Memory leak ?? (detached objects count keep increasing)

Memory leak ?? (detached objects count keep increasing)

I have two simple html files index.html and newobj.html

index.html has a button to go newobj.html
newobj.html has a back button to go to index.html.

If i keep navigating between these pages, the number of detached dom objects keeps increasing.

Steps to reproduce:

1) unrar the attached detachedobj.rar
2) open index.html . Open chrome tools and take a heap snapshot
3) click the new button to goto newobj.html
4) in newobj.html click back button to goto index.html
5) repeat steps 3 and 4 for say. 10 times
6) take a heap snapshot again and compare with the first snapshot.

The count of detached dom objects keeps increasing. Is this a memory leak ?

Using Jquery 1.9.1 , jquery mobile 1.3.1 and google chrome