Memory leaks, IE, bfcache

Memory leaks, IE, bfcache

Around line ~3100 (3321 in the latest nightly) you're binding the
unload event so as to prevent any memory leaks in our favourite
browser (IE). Unfortunately the presence of an "unload" handler
disables some caching techniques used in other browsers (see ...
Specifically the "bfcache").
I know you're no longer using browser detection so I was wondering, is
there an easy and quick way to detect a browser that's going to leak
memory? ... If so, you could conditionally add the "unload" handler,
only for browsers that require it (IE)...
If there's no way of testing it then why can't you just use some
browser detection there? Is the cost of disabling the bfcache really
worth the benefit of having no browser detection in the core?