Minimal files needed for jQuery 1.8.1 based off a Custome Theme library download

Minimal files needed for jQuery 1.8.1 based off a Custome Theme library download

I did not really see any docs about the minimal you would need for jQuery UI to run minified in production if you've downloaded a custom theme.

1) I created a custom theme using the theme roller.  So when I created that, I used the ui-lightness theme.  So can I delete the development-bundle | themes | base folder and just keep the development-bundle | themes | ui-lightness folder or does the jQueryUI for some reason still need the development-bundle | themes | base folder?

2) Can I delete the development-bundle | external folder?

There needs to be some decent documentation about the specifics in what folders or files you need at the minimum for jQuery UI when pushing this to production this because there is a LOT in the jQuery UI folder that is generated when you create a custom theme or simply just download the jQueryUI library from the main download page.

obviously I know that you need the custom .css file generated when you create the theme.  But I need to know what else I can chop here.