Mobile Document Library with jQuery Mobile
I am new to app development and I am looking to build a mobile document library type app. In essence it would be a tool to import, browse, organize, view and manage PDF files. No editing or manipulation of the files within the app. So it would need to include some of the functions of apps like Good Reader or PDF Expert, utilizing the splitview plugin type layout, but simply for organizing and browsing. Before I get too far into this project I want to be sure I am choosing the right approach by using the jQuery Mobile "hybrid" approach vs. needing to do it in totally native mobile OS programming. So here are my questions:
- Is this something that I can build using jQuery Mobile?
- If not, what is the best tool/method to use for an app like this?
- Does jQuery Mobile have the ability to talk to a back-end system to pull in PDF files, etc.?
- (in your opinion) Does this sound like a manageable project for a first-time app builder considering jQuery Mobile's built in tool set and learning curve. I am familiar with jQuery and have done training and examples on jQuery Mobile, just haven't built out a complete app yet.