mobile.loadPage problem if container has multiple divs

mobile.loadPage problem if container has multiple divs

I'm trying to load an external url content to a div.When I use the Js code block below, the url content is displayed successfully. But divHeader is not visible because mobile.loadpage creates a new div under divContent, sets the url content to this div and newly created div's style is ui-page. When the style is ui-page it surrounds the whole page so divHeader isn't displayed properly. When i delete the class value "ui-page" from newly created div at runtime everything is fine.I couldn't change the ui-page style for newly created div because mobile.loadPage adds this by default.
What am i doing wrong or is there another way to show external url's in a div using jquery mobile?  

NOTE: I didn't use ('#divContent').load(url) because FolderTemplate below has html files and inside this html files, image src's are not full path. So when i used div.load(url) images could not be found and html is not shown properly.

Div content:
<div data-role="page" id="divUrlView">
        <div data-role="header" id="divHeader">
        <div data-role="content" id="divContent"></div>

Js Code:
$.mobile.loadPage(url, {
            showLoadMsg: true,
            pageContainer: $('#divContent')
         }).done(function (e, ui) {
                    $("#divContent").children().show();   // default style is display:none so I'd to do this. 
          }).fail(function () {

TEMP   -- Main directory
     FileFolder  -- Each file has it's own directory
           File.html  -- File as html
           File.jpg    -- Html src file 

Best regards,