Modal: Confirmation, jQuery and PHP

Modal: Confirmation, jQuery and PHP

Hello guys, I have a table of posts.
Each post has "DATA-ID" and "DATA-TITLE" tags.
By clicking the "Generate/Gerar" button I need to open and display in the Modal window the DATA-ID and DATA-TITLE. 

By choosing the "Generate Art/Gerar arte" button a script is executed.
The PHP script will just change an ENUN field from "0" to "1" in the chosen record.

How do I get the "DATA-ID" and "DATA-TITLE" from the registry and make them appear in the Modal window?
How do I use the "DATA-ID" of the Modal window to enter the ID to execute the PHP script?

Am I going the right way or will I have to generate a Modal window code for each record?

Some light, please.

Juscelino Barão