Modify or add jQuery to show unlimited entries from another lookup list from SharePoint Online

Modify or add jQuery to show unlimited entries from another lookup list from SharePoint Online

Hello all,

I am using from a online post which you have cascading parent/ child/ grandchild list with the help of two jQuery's.

Main js.file


$.fn.HillbillyCascade= function (optionsArray)
var Cascades = new Array();

var NewForm = getParameterByName("ID") == null;

$.fn.HillbillyCascade.Cascade = function(parent,cascadeIndex)
if (cascadeIndex!= null && cascadeIndex+1 > Cascades.length)
} else if(cascadeIndex== null) {
cascadeIndex= $(parent).attr("HillbillyCascadeIndex");

var params = Cascades[cascadeIndex];
var parentID = $(parent).val();
if (parent == null)
parentID = $("select[Title='"+params.parentFormField+"'], select[Title='"+
params.parentFormField+" Required Field']").val();
if (parentID == undefined)
parentID = 0;

var child = $("select[Title='"+params.childFormField+"'], select[Title='"+
params.childFormField+" Required Field']," +
"select[Title='"+params.childFormField+" possible values']");

var currentVal = params.currentValue;
Cascades[cascadeIndex].currentValue = 0;


var options = "<option value='0'>"+params.firstOptionText+"</option>";

var call = $.ajax({
url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/Web/Lists/GetByTitle('"+params.childList+
"/Id eq "+ parentID+"&$orderby=" + params.childLookupField,
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
Accept: "application/json;odata=verbose"

call.done(function (data,textStatus, jqXHR){
for (index in data.d.results)
options += "<option value='"+ data.d.results[index].Id +"'>"+
}); (jqXHR,textStatus,errorThrown){
alert("Error retrieving information from list: " + params.childList + jqXHR.responseText);

for (index in optionsArray)
var thisCascade = optionsArray[index];

if(thisCascade.parentFormField != null)
var parent = $("select[Title='"+thisCascade.parentFormField+"'], select[Title='"+
thisCascade.parentFormField+" Required Field']");


thisCascade.currentValue = $("select[Title='"+thisCascade.childFormField+"'], select[Title='"+
thisCascade.childFormField+" Required Field']," +
"select[Title='"+thisCascade.childFormField+" possible values']").val();



function getParameterByName(key) {
key = key.replace(/[*+?^$.\[\]{}()|\\\/]/g, " \\$&"); // escape RegEx meta chars
var match = RegExp("[?&]"+key+"=([^&]+)(&|$)"));
return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));

and secondary jQuery file


< script src="//"></script>
< script src="../../SiteAssets/HillbillyCascade.js"></script>

< script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {

var cascadeArray = new Array();

parentFormField: "Event_Indoor_Outdoor", //Display name on form of field from parent list
childList: "Event_Location", //List name of child list
childLookupField: "Title", //Internal field name in Child List used in lookup
childFormField: "Event_Location", //Display name on form of the child field
parentFieldInChildList: "Event_Indoor_Outdoor", //Internal field name in Child List of the parent field
firstOptionText: "< Select if is Indoor or Outdoor >"

parentFormField: "Event_Location", //Display name on form of field from parent list
childList: "Event_Location_Room_or_Type", //List name of child list
childLookupField: "Title", //Internal field name in Child List used in lookup
childFormField: "Event_Location_Room_or_Type", //Display name on form of the child field
parentFieldInChildList: "Event_Location", //Internal field name in Child List of the parent field
firstOptionText: "< Select a Location >"

parentFormField: "Event_Location_Room_or_Type", //Display name on form of field from parent list
childList: "Event_Grove_or_Field", //List name of child list
childLookupField: "Title", //Internal field name in Child List used in lookup
childFormField: "Event_Grove_or_Field", //Display name on form of the child field
parentFieldInChildList: "Event_Location_Room_or_Type", //Internal field name in Child List of the parent field
firstOptionText: "< Select a Grove or Field >"



< /script>


now at the first jQuery file the dropdown list are limited to 100 items, how can I make this unlimited?

thank you in advance.