modifying nested collapsible content after return from dialog in jqm-1.3.0

modifying nested collapsible content after return from dialog in jqm-1.3.0

I've got a page containing nested collapsible content that's dynamically generated through an ajax call to another page. Each element has an edit icon that allows the user to edit the content of what's in the <h3> header. The editing is done via a call to a dialog using the new 1.3.0 capabilities of data-rel="dialog" called from within an <a href=[page] dat-rel="dialog" ...etc. >  link. 

All is well with saving the edit to a database behind the scenes. My problem is that after the user closes the dialog, I can't get anything in the nested collapsible content to change. Is there perhaps a function that could be defined that listens for the dialog to close? I've tried addressing the nested collapsible on the calling page from the dialog page (thinking that the DOM in play at the time allows me to access the calling page) but to no avail, after trying all (I think) permutations of addressing the element by unique ID, or parent.uniqueID and other nomenclatures.

I'm rather new to jquerymobile, so it's fine to point out elephants in the room and dumb things I may have not tried.
tnx in advance