movile popup menu problem i cant click for hide

movile popup menu problem i cant click for hide

Hi, i want that popup appear down of the button and not on the button for this i use this code  style="top:140px;" it works fine but the problem is when i try to click again the button for hide the popmenu it not work, any solution? 


the code:

< a href = "#popupMenu" data-rel = "popup" data-role = "button" data-inline = "true" data-transition = "slideup" data-icon = "gear" data-theme = "e" >Actions...</ a >

< div data-role = "popup" id = "popupMenu" data-theme = "d" style="top:140px;" >

         < ul data-role = "listview" data-inset = "true" style = "min-width:210px;" data-theme = "d" >
             < li data-role = "divider" data-theme = "e" >Choose an action</ li >
             < li >< a href = "#" >View details</ a ></ li >
         </ ul >
</ div >