Moving jQuery to Git

Moving jQuery to Git

Hey guys,
Just throwing this idea out to see what the jQuery devs feel about it
- are you guys considering moving from SVN to Git?
If you're worried about Trac integration, it is possible but might
involve some work to do the install and migration - in any case, I get
the feeling that the Trac install at is kinda unstable
and cranky at times so it's probably due for some housekeeping too.
Let me know your thoughts - I'm personally in favor of moving to Git
but I'm also aware there is a large amount of effort involved in
housekeeping and getting all the committers (which includes a large
number of plugin and UI committers) switched. So I can see how it
makes sense to have only the selector engine (Sizzle) on Github since
there's no "baggage" so to speak :)
Chu Yeow