Multi-page Form with Next Page Dependent on Previous Page Selection

Multi-page Form with Next Page Dependent on Previous Page Selection

Hi All,

I'm just starting to build a mobile forms page for a client, and I have some questions. The client has several (paper) pages worth of questions that the web user will be answering, but the next page is going to be dependent on one of the selections on the previous page. For example,

The first page will consist of simply a list of the different types of equipment they can request. That takes them to the next page where there are questions regarding that equipment (i.e. Low Voltage/High Voltage, Electrically Operated/Manually Operated, etc..), and have a "Next" button at the bottom which will take them to the another page with (if they chose Low Voltage and Manually Operated on the previous page) further "Low Voltage/Manually Operated"-specific questions. Some combinations of previous selections could have 4 or 5 levels deep, then ultimately and the end, having a Submit button that will email all selections from the previous (and current) pages through a separate .php page. 

By all means, if there's an easier way to accomplish this, I'm all ears. FWIW, I'm using DreamweaverCS6. I have the first and (first) second page set up if you'd like to see the code.
