multi-page navigation

multi-page navigation

i am trying to implement a multi-page site. but the problem is that JQM uses ajax which only loads the first
page of a multi-page document. Is there a way for me to simply force JQM to load a document completely
and replace whatever in the dom with the newly loaded pages?
My situation is that I want a user to be able to sign in to my site, and also sign in with a different user name.
so upon sign in, i just do a reload which should get everything right for the newly signed in user. This is the way
I do it for my desktop site, which works fine. But here, once a user signs in with another user name. only the info on the first page is changed for that user, other pages still have info of the old user.
I am wondering if there is just a way to do what i want. changePage to window.location.href does not work.
somehow, if ajax always just loads the first page. then the usefulness of multi-page template is quite limited
to cases where one can only go to that page once, the first time.
thanks in advance.
