Multi Page navigation url going back to #page1

Multi Page navigation url going back to #page1

I am working with a multi page layout, and am using swipe to navigate back and forth.  Currently my page has 3 "pages", defined with 3 <div> sections with data-role="page" and each is named with id="page1", id="page2", id="page3"
Within each "page", I have a primary block of content included in a <div> tag with the appropriate ID set to "body1", "body2" and "body3".  I have swipe events set on these to navigate from page to page as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
      $("#body1").swipeleft(function () {
                  $.mobile.changePage("#page2", { transition: "slide" });
             $("#body2").swipeleft(function () {
                  $.mobile.changePage("#page3", { transition: "slide" });
      $("#body2").swiperight(function () {
                  $.mobile.changePage("#page1", { transition: "slide", reverse: true });
             $("#body3").swiperight(function () {
                  $.mobile.changePage("#page2", { transition: "slide", reverse: true });
This all seems to be working fine.  When I swipeleft on body1, I am taken to page2 - when I swipeleft on body2 I am taken to page3 - when I swiperight on body3 I am taken to page2 - and when I swiperight on body2 I am taken to page1
The problem comes in looking at the URL displayed in my browser address bar.  When first going to the sight, I am on "page1" by default, which is not displayed in the url - it is simply:
This isn't the true URL obviously, but you get the picture - the file containing all the content is "mypage.aspx" living in the "mysitedirectory"
When I swipe left on body1 to navigate to "page2" the URL now shows as and when I swipe left on body2 to navigate to "page3" it shows as
So far so good - even when doing a swiperight on "body3" to get back to page2 all is good, and the URL once again shows
The problem comes in whenever I swiperight on "body2" to get back to "page1", the default page that I started on.  Every time I navigate back to page1 swiping right from body2 on page2, the URL displays:
I am not really sure where this is coming from...or how to stop it.  It should either show as as it did upon first entering the sight.  Apending the directory and file name onto the end behind the "#" just doesn't look right at all.
Any thoughts on this??