Multi-page with Jquery mobile does not work on IE10

Multi-page with Jquery mobile does not work on IE10


I'm working on a project to provide a multi-page website which can be seen not only PC web browser but also mobile browser.

The main issue is I really need to provide this content on a single .html page.

So I have settled on jQuery mobile (div tag with data-role) but I'm having headaches because the button is NOT working at IE 10.

An example as below,

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <title> div test </title>   
  <frameset cols="30%,*" frameborder="1" border="1" framespacing="1">
  <frame name='left' src='a.html'>
  <frame name='right' src='b.html'>



<!DOCTYPE html>
 <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
 <script src="jquery-1.10.1.js"></script>
 <script src=""></script>

  <div id="menu" data-role="page">
   <div data-role="header">...</div>
   <div data-role="content">
    <a target='right' href='b.html#one' data-role='button'>No.1</a> <br>
    <a target='right' href='b.html#two' data-role='button'>No.2</a>
   <div data-role="footer">...</div>

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
 <script src="jquery-1.10.1.js"></script>
 <script src=""></script>
  <div id='one' data-role='page' style='height:600px; background:#505050; color:#ffffff; padding:6px; font-family:Segoe UI,Arial,sans-serif'>
   <div data-role="header">...</div>
   <div data-role="content">This is 1</div>
   <div data-role="footer">...</div>
  <div id='two' data-role='page' style='height:600px; background:#505050; color:#ffffff; padding:6px; font-family:Segoe UI,Arial,sans-serif'>
   <div data-role="header">...</div>
   <div data-role="content">This is 2</div>
   <div data-role="footer">...</div>


You can see the button of this multi-page website does not work on IE 10.

Is there any idea or trick for working on IE 10?


Many thanks,