Multiple div around textbox

Multiple div around textbox

I am using jquery mobile 1.3.2 version.
I have a html table  (With data-mode=reflow), which is bound to an observable array using knockout. Whenever an element is added to array, a new row is added dynamically to the table, which is working fine.

The problem is there are two divs around textbox (As shown) . Please let me know how to avoid one div around textbox.

          <td>   <input data-mini="true"  data-bind="value: UnitsReceived, attr: { name: 'UnitsReceived_' + $index() }" name="UnitsReceived" required="required" type="number" title="Required" /></td>
The generated html is
  1. <div class="ui-input-text ui-shadow-inset ui-corner-all ui-btn-shadow ui-body-c ui-mini"><div class="ui-input-text ui-shadow-inset ui-corner-all ui-btn-shadow ui-body-c ui-mini"><input name="PalletsReceived_0" class="text-align:right ui-input-text ui-body-c" required="required" type="number" data-bind="value: PalletsReceived, attr: { name: 'PalletsReceived_' + $index() }" data-mini="true"></div></div>