Multiselect internal function refresh won't change DOM in IE10 but okay with Firexfox and Chrome

Multiselect internal function refresh won't change DOM in IE10 but okay with Firexfox and Chrome

I am new to multiselect plugin and jquery. I am trying to show a list of states, with all states selected as default, where multiple states can be selected. I can see in the view source of the browser that all state options are selected. If I choose just 2 or 3 of the possible 50 states, they work fine in Chrome and Firefox but not with with IE. Basically IE ignores the selected options and uses all of the options. So I started looking for DOM changes and zeroed on "refresh" method of the Widget. After processing all of the options, the method sets the html using jquery container.html(myhtml). I believe this is working with Chrome and Firefox but not IE. Am I wrong?

I'd appreciate any help.