My First Plugin Development

My First Plugin Development

hey guys!

I was thinking of developing a plugin which will be super light no deadweight etc

modal / popover notice box

with text, html (exteranl html or ajaxed), image, images possibly in a slideshow, and embed video

the core of the plugin will only consist of text, html, image, ajax
then the slideshow and youtube media will be used as addon with including addtl file

do you think its useful to create?

also the plugin wll be very versatile in terms of settings and position calculation etc based on caller position or absolute position on the active screen area...

I was always realizing at work that there is no really really good and versatile plugin likwe this while also avaiding the overheads of UI modal which it carries for the resons of being way too customizable. Very often developer needs to have thses simple steps done and on internet you either find too little or complex like UI and there is not much in the middle.

The default config will not require css files included and will be facebook style web 2.0 design with only the color passed as a style parameter for semi transparent borders.
the callacks will be supported... also the css can be applied optinally if lots of style modifications is desired.

I have created beta version already and just planning next week or so to complete the first beta version

Do you guys think that its worth a shot to create?

appreciate your responses!


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