My script is returning a full string instead of values.

My script is returning a full string instead of values.

I have a project I am working on for my own use. I need just the values returned with each in it's own div and to clear the divs if no results are found. I am learning jquery, but I'm having a bit of a struggle working it out.

I have setup a jsFiddle if someone has the time to have a quick look at it for me.

This is the reponse I get:
  1. [{ "title": "Rocky", "rating": "PG", "year": 1982, "plot": "Movie plot goes here Rocky rulez", "poster": "<a href=\"/image name.jpg\">" }]
I would like to have a div with an ID of #title for the movie name, a div id of #rating for the movie rating and so on. Is this possible without a server?