My take on jQuery UI

My take on jQuery UI

I believe the logic of jQuery is:
jQuery('select something').doSomeAction()
There are UI features that haven't been developed and are taking long
but are very useful.
Feautures like forms, grid, etc.
I do not know if this have been thought about already or it is the way
things are, but here is what I been thinking would make using jquery
easier to use and maybe develop:
Since we select HTML element/object(forgive my wording) which are
already exists we could use already available HTML elements and maybe
just change thier appearance and attach some functionality for forms
it would be like:
* an html form already exists
* we select the form useing a selector
* Change appearance(Using CSS)
* Add functionality like
    * submitting action which might be done using ajax
    * validation these could be done depending on the form element type
or something to form element type
    * populating the form for editing
    * other stuff that I have forgotten that can be doen on forms.
* adding other form elements could be done using Object notation
Grid we could use the table element add functionality to populate,
edit, pagination, etc
Rich Text Area could be an ordinary textarea converted to a rich text
Thinking like this we could utilise already available html ui elements
and developmenet would be faster.
Issues of perfomance can also be dealt with as the team is big and can
solt this out.
The other reason I think development is slow is that we wait for
somebody to develop a widget/plugin then we integrate it intu the UI.
The already available team itself I think has enough experience to
develop all these UI features and have them ready in No time.
Look at the way jslib ui has been developed. It seems to be younger
than jQuery UI but it already has so many features than thye older
jQuery UI.
I would love jQuery to advance as well. It is my favourite on size,
perfomance, and ease of use and flexibility.