Namespaced Events bubbling - is it supported?

Namespaced Events bubbling - is it supported?

Bug? (or wrongly assumed functionality) It took me hours to discover
Lets try event delegation with namespaced events.Use Firebug with any
jQuery page having the h1 (or use other elem).
$(document).bind('collapsable.init',function(){ console.log
('collapsable.init'); });
$(document).bind('collapsable.expand',function(){ console.log
('collapsable.expand'); });
$(document).bind('collapsable.collapse',function(){ console.log
('collapsable.collapse'); });
Works as expected;) Only one event is cought on parent element
Now try, to bind any event on the same element (h1) and try to trigger
the same again.
All three (collapsable.init, collapsable.expand, collapsable.collapse)
will fire!
Just as if $('h1').trigger('collapsable'); was called.
It seem jQ 1.3.2 does not support namespaced events bubbling.
Next issues:
I naturally thought that if I can trigger all three with the last
example (trigger('collapsable')) that I can unbind all three with one
call as well .unbind('collapsable'); which is not the case.
I would like to unbind('click') and get rid of all clicks.
Lastly, binding multiple namespaced events does not work:
(does not work in bubbling as well. Here it is bind on the same
$('h1').bind('custom.four custom.five',function(e){console.log
$('h1').trigger('custom'); //I would expect two events returning
'four' and 'five' (only five returns)
$('h1').trigger('custom.four'); //I would expect 'four' (returns
Here tested with common events
$('h1').bind('click.clk mouseenter.mse',function(e){console.log
what is positive both click and mouseenter will fire,
mouseenter will return 'mse' and click will return 'mse' as well :(
Event delegation has quite few advantages. If you have an experience
with some limitations (e.g. performance), please share it.
Event delegation with namespacing would be really nice.