native version of splitview-style jquerymobile?
The jQuery mobile website does a magnificent job of doing a splitview style rendering: two columns on big screens, one column (hide the nav) on a small screen. Are there any instructions on how to replicated this sort of approach? You'd think that if the JQM site is doing it, it should be both doable and hopefully readily-replicable, but I don't see how
The "splitview" plugin is a lovely (if under-documented) approach, but it completely fails in IE:
The primary advantage of the splitview, to my mind, is the possibility of using the same code for mobile and non-mobile browsers, but that doesn't work if the site won't load in IE.
OTOH, the JQM website *does* work in IE, making it (to my mind) the preferable approach. I found a few hacks online, but nothing very straightforward. Any ideas?