nav-bar bug in new versions of ios

nav-bar bug in new versions of ios

Hello.  I have an app that I made 3 years ago.  The nav-bar worked perfectly when compiled in older versions of xcode.  Recently I compiled my jquery code on apache cordova 6.5.0 and xcode 8.2.1.  The code compiles fine, and 99% of the app is functional, but there seems to be a bug with the nav-bar.  If I load a page, and scroll, the nav-bar seems to do what it should, it stays locked, and the main page data will scroll properly with the nav-bar fixed. 

However, if I let the page load, and perform a simple screen touch which would usually hide and unhide the nav bar (which is a pretty natural motion for the user), the nav-bar flickers like it is going to hide, but then immediately re-appears, and the screen is locked.  I can see the page data but I cannot scroll the screen, it is locked to the nav-bar.

I can reproduce this bug on ALL secondary pages/screens outside of the index.html.  I tried adding data-tap-toggle="false"  IE: <div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed" data-tap-toggle="false">, and while this does initially lock the nav-bar footer, so that you can't tap the screen to hide or un-hide the nav bar, as soon as you scroll and then tap the screen again, it seems the data-tap-toggle, is now for some reason set to true (The code of course does not change, it's just the function of hide and unhide on nav-bar is active again), and the bug of the nav-bar is re-introduced.

Any idea on how I can fix this?  The original app that is still a part of the iOS app store, compiled in older versions of the xcode/cordova, still worked on all iOS devices, including the newest iphone 7, and newest just seems, because the code is compiled in the newer xcode / cordova, that this bug has introduced itself with the nav-bar function of jquery.  

Thanks in advance.