Need a co-developer on a portion of my cookies plugin

Need a co-developer on a portion of my cookies plugin

Hello all,

I wrote a javascript cookies library back in Nov of 2005 and released it as open source. I've maintained it over the years and added jQuery bindings to it a couple of years ago. While the cookie support works perfectly without jQuery, the bindings let you connect HTML elements to cookies and vice/versa. For example, a form input's value can be stored to cookie by `$( 'input#someInput' ).cookify();` or the input can be filled from cookie by `$( 'input#someInput' ).cookieFill();` This all worked fine until I started getting bugs reported for radio and checkbox elements. I had completely neglected the fact that they act quite unique to each other and other input elements--so the library is VERY limited in its ability to handle those. I would reeeeeally like to straighten that out, but my time is limited and every time I do sit down to think it out I get wrapped around the axel and give up again.

Specifically, I need to figure out how to handle the fact that checkboxes can represent an array of values, and radios can act as mutually exclusive to other radios. I need these cases to be handled correctly even when only one of the elements is encountered by the plugin.

The library can be found at .  The whole thing is in that project--reported issues, source code in SVN, documentation, etc, etc. Anyone interested in working on it should have a firm grasp of jQuery and cookies and the intricacies of radio and checkbox interaction. You should read the docs on this library and play with it in the test suite (uses the Firebug plugin, FireUnit). Ask questions here too--i know I haven't given all possible info.

You'll also need a Google Code account, which, upon my acceptance of your solution, will be granted commit access and co-ownership of the project.

If anyone has any ideas for how to handle this but doesn't want to be part of the project, please feel free to make suggestions here.

Thanks all!
Jim A.