Need Help for creating resizing panels using table and div

Need Help for creating resizing panels using table and div

Im trying to create a two column layout using table having 3 columns. The middle column will contain my resizer.
Again in each div, there would be resizer to increase the height of the divs of individual components.
I have attached the files which might help you to understand what I was trying to create.
I have tried various plugins, but was not suiting my needs as it created issue in complex components.
In the attached example, I have tried to use JqueryUI to attach resize event for each of the individual divs in the colums. I need to resizer to work when i drag a custom resizer handle at the bottom of the div.(resize-seperator_
which is something like this
<div id="main-component">
       <div id="content">
                   <div id="container">
       <div id="resize-seperator">