need revision of code (checkbox, cookie, array)
just started with jQuery and would like to ask some expert for help to
revise my code.
Script is working just fine but I am bit worried about my amateur
code, think could be better..
Project problem: maintain state of checkboxes in a paginated datagrid
(selecting diff products for comparison)
Since using classic ASP needed help of jQuery.
My solution: when select checbox beside each product write a cookie
(PID) which holds array of product ID's (154+332+...) also cookie CID
for products group category (eg. 3). Each time page loads script
checks cookie which chekboxes should put in state on. Also use images
which replace chekboxes (on/off).
// check cookie and put right checkbox state--------------------------
$(".compareCheck").each(function() {
var img = "off";
if ($.cookie('PID')) {
var ca = $.cookie('PID').split("+");
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++)
{ var c = ca[i];
if (c == $(this).val()){
$(this).replaceWith('<img src="img/template/checkbox-'+ img+'.gif"
class="compare" style="cursor:pointer;" id="'+ $(this).val() +'" />');
}); });
// write
$(function() {
$(".compare").click(function() {
var ID = $(this).attr("id");
if ($.cookie('CID') != '<%=cDescValueID%>')
{ $.cookie('PID', ID, { path: '/', expires: '1' });
$.cookie('CID', '<%=cDescValueID%>', { path: '/', expires: '1' });
$(this).replaceWith('<img src="img/template/checkbox-on.gif" id="'+ ID
+'" alt="Product is in compare list"/>');
return false;
} else {
var oldcookie = $.cookie('PID') + '+';
var number;
var ca = $.cookie('PID').split("+");
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++)
{ var c = ca[i];
if (c == ID){
oldcookie = $.cookie('PID');}
if (i>4 ){alert("MAX number of products to compare!");}
else {$.cookie('PID', oldcookie+ID, { path: '/', expires: '1' });
$(this).replaceWith('<img src="img/template/checkbox-on.gif" id="'+ ID
+'" />');
return false;