Need Suggestions - PhoneGap & Remote Data - iOS

Need Suggestions - PhoneGap & Remote Data - iOS

Hello all,

I am creating a native iPhone app with jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap, most of the pages are static and will rarely be updated. When they are will be done so in an app update. 

However some pages need to pull remote data from my website which uses wordpress. This data is a simple table of price comparisons of products (for now).

Current setup: 
  • App connects to a particular page using JSON.
  • Pulls HTML content (which is a table) from a custom_field called 'NativeContent'.
  • Displays in the app (works quite well).
My concerns:
  • Future site structure changes (e.g. If i change the way I manage my content (maybe move from HTML tables to a mySQL/php query).
  • If I add elements that are not compatible with the jQuery Mobile version built into the app.
  • If I add jQuery Mobile features in the remote data (such as pop-ups etc) but someone hasn't updated the app it might not render properly (in future there may be something that requires jQuery Mobile 2.0 for example but someone has an old app with jQuery 1.1).
  • Can and will Apple approve an app where some pages have a web-view of a page with-in the page on the app? (Like Flipboard does with a story, Mashable etc etc). This way it could be a web-view of a /dev/page.php and I can make future changes on that page .... I can then maybe do localstorage and things like that?
Any other suggestions?

I can't get my head around a good way to do this ...

    • Topic Participants

    • ben.d