Nested ordered lists
Nested ordered lists
When using nested lists, if the very last nested list is an ordered list then the numerals for the list items will not display. Anyone notice this and find a workaround?
In the below example, I want the "third tier" items to have their numerals since its declared as an ordered list but it doesn't display them at all:
- <ul data-role="listview">
<li>First Tier - Item One
<li>Second Tier - Item One
<ol><li>Third Tier - Item One</li><li>Third Tier - Item Two</li></ol>
<li>Second Tier - Item Two
<ol><li>Third Tier - Item One</li><li>Third Tier - Item Two</li></ol>
In the next below example, the second tier items will not display the numerals either because it's the last nested list in the chain:
- <ul data-role="listview">
<li>First Tier - Item One
<li>Second Tier - Item One</li>
<li>Second Tier - Item Two</li>