nested Sortables fix

nested Sortables fix

hi all, first post.
I think I may have fixed nested Sortables.
demo is here:
SVN diff is here:
I don't think I broke anything while doing this, but there was a bit
of re-ordering involved.
there were a number of things which stopped nested sortables from
working before:
1. it was possible to drop an item into a container which was within
that item.
2. the original code stopped looking after it found the first
container which intersected with the item, but in a nested tree, there
may be many of them.
3. on every mousemove, the item was checked against all items, not
just the items in the placeholder's parent node, causing a load of
flickering to take place.
I've no idea what to do next - what steps are involved in getting some
code checked and committed?