"new Date" style

"new Date" style

Grepping for 'new Date' through the jquery source shows a bit of
variety in Date -> Time handling.
Casual question really: Is there an aim to get consistency in the code-
base, or a "house style" on how to handle dates?
Some of the variety seems to come from context and purpose: when
you're optimising for code-size "+new Date" is great, but people shy
away from using that in the middle of an expression:
src/sizzle/sizzle.js: id = "script" + (new Date).getTime();
I know the git repo contains source from several different projects,
and suspect the variation in style may reflect the average competence
of project contributors.
I'm probably over-analysing, but wondered if anyone else had noticed
this, or checked whether "+new Date" performed any differently to "new
Date().getTime()" etc.