New issue (1.4) with date fields causing major problems

New issue (1.4) with date fields causing major problems


This I'm sure did not happen in 1.3 or I would have seen it - but now I see it all the time, and it's causing data to be lost.

We simply have a date field

  1. <input type="date" value="" name="dadNeededBy" tabindex="10">
And when you enter it on the FireFox browser or the iPHONE, it works and enters the date into the system.

When you go back to the form, it is:

  1. <input type="date" value="" name="dadNeededBy" tabindex="10" value="10/10/14">

The issue is on the browser (FF, IE, Chrome), it's fine - the user can press OK or change the date or whatever - no issue.

But, if they pull the form up on the iPhone, the field is blank!!  They then save the form, the date is completely lost!   If you go into the field, the IPhone puts "Oct 10, 2014" and you spin it to the right date.

Obviously 10/10/14 and Oct 10, 2014 are different.

There is no way we can start coding "if iphone, do this" - that's ridiculous.  Is this an IPHONE 5 bug??

We want the type to be date so that the Chrome browser can pull up calendar and the iPhone can spin date it. 

How do you handle Date Modifications in JQuery Mobile properly?  Our system does format the date depending on the country (MM/DD or DD/MM) by a use setting so we are placing the date in the field properly depending on their format they want to see --- but, it doesn't work for iPHONE!   I've not checked for other mobile platforms, but right now, dates are being lost by the users and it's causing big issues.

What am I missing - I don't think I need to add code for this, it should be handled in the framework.

I understand that HTML5 is fully supported only on BLACKBERRY 10 and IPHONE 7, but I can't believe I would have to start programming to check what browser they are using and format the date properly - and I can't show it as YYYY-MM-DD because that is not a common way for a user to enter dates into the system for regular input (FF, IE, etc.) --- so how is the proper way to handle this?

--- The only way I found to fix this was to look at the user agent, see if it is BB10 or OS 7, and if it is, format the date value as "YYYY-MM-DD" otherwise, I format it as "MM/DD/YYYY" or "DD/MM/YYYY" depending on their country setting.   This seems ridiculous that I would have to do programming to display default date values properly when there is a framework.