New jQuery Plugin - EzQ

New jQuery Plugin - EzQ

This was as right of a place as I could find for announcing this. And, before I get started, I originally came up with this functionality for what I consider a fairly fringe case scenario but I couldn't find any jQuery plugins that did it already so figured I'd release it to the world. (After cleaning it up first)

Anyway, here's my first jQuery plugin:

Like the Github page says, it's basically a wrapper for jQuery's queue functionality. It handles a lot of what would otherwise be repetitive typing internally though and also adds the ability to automatically delay the processing of the next function in the queue with arbitrary logic and customizable delay time. I may or may not have followed the typical jQuery plugin standards and would welcome constructive criticism on that end. Any thoughts on the plugin at all are welcome.

Hopefully some day this will save someone the time that I spent learning to manually use jQuery's queue functionality, though I suspect it will be a rare occasion that someone will require it. In any case, enjoy! :)