New project: JQM 1.4.5 or Bootstrap?

New project: JQM 1.4.5 or Bootstrap?

Hi All,

Have a new mobile web app project on the horizon and would like advice from the inside on whether to:

(1) Go for it with JQM 1.4.5
(2) Wait for JQM 1.5 (any estimates of how long?)
(3) Go with Bootstrap

This is a project that needs to run on mobile (iOS 8+) and desktop (mostly Windows but also Mac).

I have used JQM 1.2 in the past but am wondering if JQM is still alive and well or is withering on the vine, etc. I would not want to get halfway down the path if there is a strong leaning towards one of the three choices listed above.

Thanks in advance and I really appreciate all the work that went into JQM 1.2!
