New Table Based jQuery Autocomplete Plugin (Based on jquery.autocomplete)

New Table Based jQuery Autocomplete Plugin (Based on jquery.autocomplete)

Hey all,

I recently had a project that called for this and I was surprised it didn't already exist.   My need was for a way to present auto suggest results in a table layout (with or without a header row) instead of the standard "list" (UL elements).

My solution was to use the existing jQuery Autocomplete plugin 1.1 by Jörn Zaefferer.  My version of that plugin is designed to get the data back from the server as an array of hashtables - or an array of associative arrays if you will.

Would love for some people more experienced than myself to look at it and give me any comments or suggestions.  The file is on the jQuery site at

I included a limited sample; I'm still working on the documentation and I hope someone else finds it useful.
