nextAll() BUT including simple text as well?

nextAll() BUT including simple text as well?

Assume the following source structure:

  1. <div>
  2. aaa
  3. <br>
  4. bbb
  5. <b>mytitle1234</b>
  6. ccc
  7. <br>
  8. <h3> h3headline</h3>
  9. ddd
  10. <br>
  11. eee
  12. <br>
  13. </div>
  14. lineoutside

Now I want (simplified) to change the font size of all text which follows "<b>mytitle1234</b>" but only on the same hierarchy level.

If I code

  1. $("b:contains('mytitle1234')").nextAll()......

then the fontsize of only the <h3> element will be changed.

But I want to change "ccc" "ddd" "eee" as well (but not "lineoutside").

How can I achieve this?
