No data-transition if anchor href has parameter

No data-transition if anchor href has parameter

Hello. I'm having problem with data-transition in jQuery mobile

If I use this code without having "id" parameter in the href : 

  1. $('#allList').append('<li><a href="#DeadlineDetail" data-transition = "flow" >'+ allDeadline.class +'<br>'+ allDeadline.duedate+'  '+ allDeadline.duetime+'<br>'+ allDeadline.description +'</a></li>');
The data-transition can work normally 

 But if I add the "id" parameter to the href like this : 

  1. $('#allList').append('<li><a href="?id=''#DeadlineDetail" data-ajax = true data-transition = "flow" >'+ allDeadline.class +'<br>'+ allDeadline.duedate+'  '+ allDeadline.duetime+'<br>'+ allDeadline.description +'</a></li>');
So there will have no any transition animation. Do you have any solution for this ? Thank u