Noconflict problem with fullpage.js

Noconflict problem with fullpage.js

I'm working on a wordpress based website and I've just integrate a javascript that canceled all my jQuery scripts effects.
So I used the jquery no conflict mode as you can see below. Most of my jquery effects are working again except the two that are linked with an external sheet (tablesorter & fullpage).
Do you guys have any idea of what should I do?
Thank you in advance!

PS: console retuns:

  1. <script src=""></script>
  2. <script src=""></script>
  3. <script src=""></script>
  4. <script src=""></script>

  5. <?php if ( is_front_page() && is_home() ) { ?>

  6.     <script src=""></script>

  7. <?php } ?>

  8. <?php if (is_page('about') ) { ?>
  9. <!--home page custom JS-->
  10.     <script src=""></script>
  11. <?php } ?>

  12. <!-- stylesheet -->
  13. <link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>"/>
  14. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/jquery.fullPage.css" />  

  15. <!-- stylesheet -->

  16. <!-- wp_head -->
  17. <?php wp_head(); ?>
  18. <!-- wp_head -->

  19. <?php if(of_get_option('customtypography') == '1') { ?>
  20. <!-- custom typography-->

  21. <?php if(of_get_option('headingfontlink') != '') { ?>
  22. <?php echo of_get_option('headingfontlink');?>
  23. <?php } ?>

  24. <?php load_template( get_template_directory() . '/custom.typography.css.php' );?>

  25. <!-- custom typography -->

  26. <?php } ?>

  27. </head>
  28. <!-- end head -->

  29. <body <?php body_class(); ?> lang="en" onload="setTimeout(function() { window.scrollTo(0, 1) }, 100);">

  30. <!-- end head -->

  31. <script>
  32.  var $j = jQuery.noConflict();

  33.   window.onscroll=function(){crisscross();}

  34. function crisscross() {
  35. $('bx-gallery-0').style.marginBottom = '' + 1.5*window.scrollY + 'px';

  36. }

  38. </script>


  1. <script>

  2. $j(document).ready(function() 
  3.     { 
  4.         $j("#example_table").tablesorter(); 
  5.     } 
  6. ); 

  7. $j(document).ready(function() {
  8.   $j('#fullpage').fullpage();
  9. });

  10. $j(document).ready(function(){

  11. if($j('ul.bxslider li').length == 1){
  12.     $j('.bx-next').addClass('disabled');
  13. }

  14. });

  16. $j("#maincat2 h2").mouseenter(function()
  17. {
  18.     $j(this).next( ".featured-image" ).css( "opacity", "1" );
  19. });

  20. $j("#maincat2 h2").mouseleave(function()
  21. {
  22.     $j(this).next( ".featured-image" ).css( "opacity", "0" );
  23. });
  25. $j("#maincat1 .featured-image").mouseenter(function()
  26. {
  27.     $j(this).next( ".featured-image-caption" ).next('h2').css( "opacity", "1" );
  28. });

  29. $j("#maincat1 .featured-image").mouseleave(function() {
  30.   $j(this).next( ".featured-image-caption" ).next('h2').css( "opacity", "0" );
  31. });


  1. (function($) {
  2. $.fn.fullpage = function(options) {
  3. // Create some defaults, extending them with any options that were provided
  4. options = $.extend({
  5. "verticalCentered": true,
  6. 'resize': true,
  7. 'sectionsColor' : [],
  8. 'anchors':[],
  9. 'scrollingSpeed': 400,