not able to upload file from jqgrid

not able to upload file from jqgrid

I am trying to upload a text file from JQgrid edittype file option. But when clicking on submit button on add dialoge its not calling web method. Please help.

Below is my grid col model:
jQuery( "#JQGridFileUpload" ).jqGrid({ 

                colNames: [ 'ClientID' , 'Document Type' , 'Document Description' , 'View/Upload documents' ],

                colModel: [


                            name: 'DocumentType' , index: 'DocumentType' , width: 30, editable: true ,

                             edittype: 'select' , editoptions: { value: ClientDocumentType }



                             name: 'DocumentName' , index: 'DocumentName' , width: 30, editable: true ,

                             edittype: 'file' , editoptions: {

                                 enctype: "multipart/form-data"


                             formatter: 'showlink' ,

                             formatoptions: { baseLinkUrl: 'javascript:' , showAction: "ShowFile('" , addParam: "');" }




$( '#JQGridFileUpload' ).jqGrid( 'navGrid' , '#JQGridFileUploadPager' ,


                                               edit: true ,

                                               add: true ,

                                               del: true ,

                                               search: false ,

                                               refresh: true


                                            //Edit functionality



                                             //Add functionality


                                                                                                                                         url: 'ClientMaster.aspx/InsertDocumentDetails' ,

                                                  closeAfterAdd: true ,

                                                 reloadAfterSubmit: false ,

                                                 closeAfterAdd: true ,

                                                  afterSubmit: function (options, postData, response) {

                                                 var filename = $( "#DocumentName" ).val();

                                                     var files = $( "#DocumentName" ).val();




                                                                url: 'ClientMaster.aspx/InsertDocumentDetails' ,

                                                                 secureuri: false ,

                                                                 fileElementId: 'DocumentName' ,

                                                                 dataType: 'json' ,                                                                

                                                                  async: false ,

                                                                 success: function (data, status) {


                                                                      if ( typeof (data.error) != 'undefined' ) {

                                                                         if (data.error != '' ) {


                                                                         } else {





                                                                 error: function (data, status, e) {

                                                                      debugger ;





                                                     return [ true , '' , false ];




                                              //Delete functionality







This is my web method which is not getting called:


public static void InsertDocumentDetails(

HttpPostedFileBase files




Please hot to call web method to upload file in database.