Object tag problem -- when is it going to be fixed?

Object tag problem -- when is it going to be fixed?

As some of you know JQuery (as well as Prototype -- this was initially
one of the reasons for switching) has serious issues when dealing with
the <object>, <embed> or <applet> tags.
If one decides to be XHTML 1.0 strict compliant we have to use the
<object> tag right now for Java applets, Flash movies, and other such
But because of a bug in the internal code of Jquery (namely this one:
http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/2349 ) we can't really use something
$('#id_of_object').hide() or even stuff that's relative to the applet
(so say your applet has external function such as applet.Render() we
can't use $('#id_of_object').Render() )
Since the upcoming XHTML 2.0 Specs will require pretty much everything
but text to be inside an object tag I'm curious when this problem is
going to be solved and how ...