Observations of jQuery in the Android Browser

Observations of jQuery in the Android Browser

Hey folks,
I got a Google Android phone today, and I decided to have a play about
on the jQuery UI library website to see what would work. Even though
I tested it with UI a lot of this may affect other parts of jQuery so
I've posted this to the dev list too.
I noticed a few problems, and I want to highlight them below:
* Accordian - On the Accordian page, the normal one worked fine but
the mouse over one doesn't work unless you click on it - and there
doesn't seem to be a return false on it so it jumps up. A design
consideration when aiming for the G1
* Dialog - Loads a dialog, but it's not draggable, the browser doesn't
seem to handle the click event on the modal header.
* Magnifier - Fails to do anything
* Slider - You can grab the slider elements, but the page moves
* Spinner - Again, same as slider except vertical page move.
Everything else seems to work fine - it's mainly events where a click
and drag, or a mouseover event are needed. I'm not sure at this stage
what workarounds there are but since it's webkit I belive someone
released a plugin for jquery to handle it's touch screen events?
Hope this is of some use to you out there.