On Page Load jQuery Calls Action a second time and White Page

On Page Load jQuery Calls Action a second time and White Page

We us several libraries including jQuery, UI and Mobile in a C# MVC environment. For some reason when I load my action with jQuery included my page will load fine, then reload calling my controller action a second time, but only shows a white page. When I do not include jQuery or jQuery Mobile it works just fine, but of course no styles or functionality on the page. 

I've checked everywhere and do not see jQuery being included more than once and have no idea why it's reloading.

Included Scripts:
  • jquery-2.2.4.js
  • jquery-ui-custom.js
  • jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js
  • jquery.mobile-1.4.5.js
  • CustomMultiSelect.js
  • jquery.maskedinput.js
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