onclick is not working with collapsible div

onclick is not working with collapsible div

We have onclick event bound to collapsible div.
 <div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="true" data-theme="c" 
data-content-theme="c" onclick="addTemplate('used_<%=HtmlWriter.preformat(tmpItemIdStr+_tmpSerialNr)%>',
dbf_template, '<%=templateType%>', '<%=HtmlWriter.preformat(itemDtl)%>', '<%=itemControls%>');">

with jqueryMobile version 1.1.0 which is working fine but now when i am
trying to use latest version of jquery mobile i.e. 1.4.5
This addTemplate method on click event is not getting called.

Is it not supported any more or I am missing anything here?
