one document one jQuery instance

one document one jQuery instance

What would happen if jQuery would "force" a "singleton" for a host
document ?
What if :
$( document )
... etc
Would all point to the same jQuery instance ? One document one jQuery.
Do we already have it in core.js :
// A central reference to the root jQuery(document)
And can we "just use it" like this :
// Handle $(""), $(null), or $(undefined)
     if (!selector) {
     return rootjQuery; // originaly returning 'this'
Is there anything that "obviously" renders this "impossible" ?
This (for sure) will provoke some people to think about using
potentially removed nodes, or attributes "changed by something else".
At least some rudimentary ("free" ?) mechanism, for multiple callers/
users operating on a single document, in the same time.
And. It seems this will allow jQuery "internals" to have (at least
some) way of knowing that rootjQuery.length has changed. By
"something or someone" ;o)