Online tools for extracting only required modules from core jQuery

Online tools for extracting only required modules from core jQuery

Hi Team!

I gone through the process of extracting the required modules from core jQuery. But found difficult to use it.

Can we have (1):
  • an online tool where all the modules from core jQuery listed at one place
  • each modules will have checkbox next to it
  • after selecting some modules, user will be able to export those modules WITH their dependent functions
  • so that user will visually get ONLY required modules in minified form
Or can we have (2):
  • an online tool where all the modules from core jQuery listed at one place as a group of functional area. for example 'Modal Popup' will require dimensions, browser check, CSS, optional - fade-in/out effects.
  • Thus user will just select 'Modal Popup' and it will export modules which are essential to run 'Modal Popup'.
I have noticed many times that developers ACTUALLY do not use all the features of core jQuery, but use ONLY few features. But includes entire jQuery core file either in min or development format. That really eats bandwidth, size on disk and impact on website performance.

If we can implement any of the above mentioned online tools (I would recommend the second method), it would be really helpful to all the developers who spend their valuable time on developing things using jQuery and will be helpful to the site owner on performance, seo and so on...

Can any of the jQuery core team member think over it?

Amol Nirmala Waman