onreadystatechange in IE 8 on a timeout

onreadystatechange in IE 8 on a timeout

Running into a problem with the $.ajax() function in Internet Explorer
8 in standards mode. It appears that this code:
        var onreadystatechange = function(isTimeout){
            // The request was aborted, clear the interval and decrement
            if (xhr.readyState == 0) {
bonks on a timeout - the xhr instance is null.
Line: 3555
Error: 'xhr.readyState' is null or not an object
I only see this behavior in the IE. Works fine in compatibility mode
and FF 3.x. Looks like there needs to be a check for xhr before this
code fires.
I'm explicitly setting the timeout to a relatively short value to
force a timeout.
Looking at the code it's not really clear why xhr would ever be null
given that it's set in the constructor
Oddly I have never noticed this behavior before, but today I've spent
some time with various error scenarios and this popped up on me.
Anybody else seeing this?
+++ Rick ---