Open Google maps app navigator

Open Google maps app navigator


I am creating an app using dreamweaver with html5 and jquery Mobile.
I would make sure that clicking it opens the window with the list of browsers installed on your phone.

This code can not open the window and see the list of navigators.

<a href="geo:42.169377,14.702693;u=35" data-role="button" data-icon="arrow-r" rel="external">Find us</a>

Then if I select WAZE or Tuttocittà for example I open the app and I can start the Turn by Turn navigation from where I am to the point that I have the coordinates passed from the link.

If I select the app I open Google maps but I do not put the coordinates of the end point and therefore can not start automatically, turn by turn navigation.

Can you please help me?

Thanks in advance.