Open link as external without leaving the iOS Standalone mode [SOLVED]

Open link as external without leaving the iOS Standalone mode [SOLVED]

Hi all!

I have two (or more) jQM apps that I want to integrate in one iOS Safari WebApp in stanlone mode (chromeless browser).

One app is in index.html, the other in index_ld.html. 
I want index_ld.html to load completely from scratch (no Ajax link).

Every method I tested here: under " Links that will refresh the page" (I want the second page to reload all the content), opens the link in iOS Safari, leaving the standalone mode.

So far, I tried the following links:
  1. <a href="./index_ld.html" data-ajax="false">link</a>
  2. <a href="./index_ld.html" rel="external">link</a>
  3. <a href="./index_ld.html" target="_self">link</a>
Any ideias?
