Open social media networks login in small pop-up window on my site (thus, not new browser-tab)

Open social media networks login in small pop-up window on my site (thus, not new browser-tab)


I installed SOSMED Social Media Buttons successfully.

However, when a user clicks a social media network to log on, a new browser tab opens.
I want that a small pop-window on my site opens (= same browser tab) for all social media networks.

The plugin:

The .js code is attached (it is min.js).
I cannot see where to change the target open window.

The HTML is... 
  1. <div id="ibacor_shareawesome"></div>

The code for the small pop-window on my site could look like this:
  1. $('body').on('click', '.social-share-buttons a.entShare', function(e){
  2.         e.preventDefault();
  4.     });

Since the plugin file is min.js, I have no clue how/where to change the code to achieve my goal. The min.js file is attached (ibacor.txt).

Thank you for your help.