OpenAjax Metadata

OpenAjax Metadata

I've implemented the first version of an xsl stylesheet that converts
our wiki-export-xml to the OpenAjax Metadata
So far it covers the "constructors", fields and methods of the jQuery
"class" - unfortunately thats the element names to work with.
If you wonder why we should bother with that: Odds are good that
various IDEs will support that format, eg. Visual Studio and Aptana.
If other libraries adopt it as well, we should see much better IDE
support for both jQuery and others in the future, which certainly is a
good thing to have. It would also be nice to reuse various API
browsers to display our documentation, without having to (re)write the
browsers ourselve.
I've commited the files here:
The resulting xml file is here:
(Also at -
though not there yet at the time of writing)
In addition to the stuff in the spec, I've added the options element
to the parameter element (here for jQuery.ajax and animate). Examples
are also included, with the desc-element renamed to description, but
otherwise the same content (css, html, code).
Options are actually part of the spec, but with different semantics:
I'm not sure yet how to proceed to get them to include the necessary
elements - I'll propably contact Jon Ferraiolo. I talked with him
about it already at the Ajax Experience.
Feedback or help is welcome!