Page "back" navigation with AJAX-loaded pages

Page "back" navigation with AJAX-loaded pages

Can someone shed some light on this for me?

From the docs:

" Whenever it loads a page via AJAX, it flags the page to be removed from the DOM when you navigate away from it later (technically, on the  pagehide  event). If you revisit a removed page, the browser may be able to retrieve the page's HTML file from its cache. If not, it re-fetches the file from the server. (In the case of nested listviews, jQuery Mobile removes all the pages that make up the nested list once you navigate to a page that's not part of the list.)"

That's great and all and I can understand the need for that so that 50 role=page's that the user visited aren't sitting on that initial "page" loaded

But this completely breaks the back button history (either the browser back button or an HTML button with "rel=back")stack since when an ajax loaded page is actually removed from the DOM when you move away..

How is jQM supposed to "re-fetch" this page if the page is wiped from existence?