Page kinda "freezes" when clicking into list after having scrolled

Page kinda "freezes" when clicking into list after having scrolled

i have spent some hours looking and searching the internet in order to fix some difficult bug.

First some background:

  • I use jQuery 1.9.1, jQueryMobile 1.3.2 and SignalR 2.2.1
  • I have on HTML file that contains 7 sections (pages)
  • I test my WebApp on Win7 PC with Google Chrome, IE11 and iPad with iOS 9.0.2

The Error: On one of my pages, there is a

    List inside a container div, that contains 200 entries. When I scroll down the page and, after the scrolling stopped, tap on the display the following happens: The Header bar of my page disappears, then comes back, sometimes the list scrolls to the top. After that behavior, I cannot scroll the list anymore and also when I change to another page, the new page is not scrollable and also has no other function, meaning the page does react on clicks (color changes in jquery behavior) but selects are not opening, buttons do not fire click events etc. I also get this "freezing" or crashing" on 2 other pages when selecting from a select that has about 50 options or just tapping on some space between control elements. All elements (select,list, ...) are populated dynamically via signalr/ajax

    This happens sometimes in the browser. In most recent tests it did not happen. But it happens always on smartphones. Some colleagues have iphones or android phones with Chrome as browser. When they use my webapp, they always have this problem.

    When hitting the reload button the page refreshes and everything works fine until acting like descriped before.

    I did some reseach via google and tried te following:

    • $.mobile.hashListeningEnabled = false; // for select menu issues... (on mobile init)
    • <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0" /> (then found out user-scalable is deprecated)

    What disappoints me is, that I found no hint for someone else having this error (No error descriptions that match mine). Maybe someone here has any idea on what to look on.

    I use $(document).ready(function () {}); ... I know that this is normlly not used in jquery mobile but it works so far. May this cause the problem?

    Is there any possibility that this error is caused by CSS ? When yes maybe someone has some hints concerning this.

    If it is necessary to upload html code or something else, I can do this, but would prefer to do it as an edit of the question.